1.2 Background : Consumer Attitude toward Online Advertisements on Social Networking Web Sites

Consumer Attitude toward Online Advertisements on Social Networking Web Sites

1.2 Background

On Advanced Internet Policy Report, (2009) it is demonstrated that Promotion on internet by advertising quickly acquiring the reliability of marketer than that other tools of Marketing. This report also explored that online advertising, which has a market value of $40 billion at 2009 that tend, doubled in 2010 (Advanced Internet Policy Report, 2009). A significant 92% of marketers said thatsocial media was important to theirbusinesses.This is an increase from 86% in 2013, whereonly 49% strongly agreed and 37% agreed. (Michael A. Stelzner, 2014 Social Media Marketing Industry Report, page 7, SocialMediaExaminer.com) This market value indicates a shift towards online advertisement from traditional marketing. Online advertising is alive for round the clock and that leads to gain the return on investment of advertisement. Social online advertising is preferable by the marketer because the target is more precise and provides specific measurement about the target than other marketing media.

A current analysis by Epsilon explores that half of chief marketer like to use data motivated promoting techniques. A recent report of IAB/PWC indicates that, in UK less than a period of 2 years the market growth of online advertising increased near about 8%. Marketing is all about networking. Now a day it goes online. The rise of social networking site like as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn over last few years has been phenomenal. It is explored that these social networking sites have grown to new height, each sites currently boasts more than 60+ million genuine visitors each month. It is a common thinking to all marketing agency to cover all potential target. Through this new marketing policy marketer can convey their message to a large scale by providing less effort than other media (Todi, 2008) This paper will set up an analysis of the importance of social networking sites from a consumer perspective which will help marketer to make more effective but less annoying advertisements for the consumer.

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